CFT-RBMS 2024.05.01 221


Red Bird Maker Space Workshop 24-hour Open Management Policy


General Rules

  1. 红鸟学创空间管辖的所有工作坊除了有管理员值守的时段(工作日9:00~17:30),现向有实验需求的师生开放以下三种无管理员值守时段:

Apart from the periods with on-duty administrators, all workshops under Red Bird Maker Space is now open during the following three unattended hours for teachers and students with experimental needs:

  1. 工作日时段:周一至周五 18:00 - 21:00

Weekday hours: Monday to Friday, from 18:00 to 21:00

  1. 法定节假日时段:9:00 - 21:00

Statutory holiday hours: From 9:00 to 21:00

  1. 过夜时段:周一至周日21:00 - 次日9:00

Overnight hours: Monday to Sunday from 21:00 to 9:00 the following day

  1. 用户操作原则:用户需获得管理员认可/考核通过,具备独立操作设备的资质。

Principle of users: Users must be authorized or pass an assessment by the administrator to be qualified for independent operation of the equipment.

  1. 双人值守原则:无管理员值守时段,需有两名具有实验操作权限的用户同时在场并承诺互相协助。

Principle of two-person duty: During unattended hours, two users with experimental operation rights must be present at the same time and promise to assist each other.

  1. 先批准后进入原则:无管理员值守时段的实验需求需提前申请。工作日时段,请在当天17:00前提交申请;法定节假日时段,请在周五12:00前提交申请;过夜时段,请提前1天提交申请。

Principle of prior approval before entry: Requests for experimental needs during unattended periods must be applied for in advance. For weekday hours, applications should be submitted by 17:00 on the same day. For statutory holiday hours, applications should be submitted by 12:00 on the preceding Friday. For overnight hours, applications should be submitted at least one day in advance.


Applicable workshop

  • W2-102:精密测量与电气电子工坊 Precision Measurement and Electrical Workshop
  • W3-101:材料制备工坊  Material Preparation Workshop
  • E3-101:木工模型与3D打印工坊 Carpentry and 3D Modeling Workshop
  • E2-101:大型机械加工工坊 Machining and Fabrication Workshop 
  • W2-221:计算机工坊 Computing Workshop 


Availability of the workshop equipment


Based on the risk level of the equipment, only low-risk equipment is accessible during unmanned hours. For a detailed equipment list, please visit the "Large Instrument Sharing Management Platform "https://instrumentsharelab.hkust-gz.edu.cn/).



Application method

1、工作日时段(18:00 - 21:00):在“大型仪器共享管理平台”预约时备注共同值守人员姓名和联系电话即可。

Weekday hours (18:00-21:00): Simply note the name and contact number of the other co-duty partner when making an application on the "Large Instrument Sharing Management Platform".

  1. 法定节假日时段(9:00 - 21:00)或过夜时段(21:00-次日9:00):仅向有紧急实验需求的师生开放。用户需先填写《非工作日实验申请表》《过夜实验申请单》,邮件发送给学术导师(AS)和工作坊管理员提交申请,并抄送共同值守人员。审批通过后,由管理员在“大型仪器共享管理平台”上授权给用户使用。

Statutory holiday hours (9:00-21:00) or Overnight hours (21:00-9:00 the next day) : Only open to teachers and students with urgent experimental needs. Users need to fill in the "Non-working Day Experiment Application Form" or "Overnight Experiment Application Form", then email them to Academic Supervisor (AS) and workshop administrator for application, with a copy to the co-duty partner. After approval, the administrator will grant access to the user on the " Large Instrument Sharing Management Platform".

  1. 申请时长: 每次申请工作坊无管理员值守实验工作的最长连续时间不得超过7天。

Application duration: The maximum continuous duration of unattended experimental work shall not exceed 7 days.


Safety Information:

  1. 用户在工作坊进行实验时,须严格遵守《RBMS安全守则》和双人值守原则,仅限使用所预约设备,不得随意放行未报备或与实验无关人员进入。

When conducting experiments in the workshop, users must strictly abide by the "RBMS Safety Code" and the two-person duty principle. Only the reserved equipment can be used, and entry of unreported or unrelated individuals is not permitted.

  1. 工作坊所有工具、设备不可外借,不可带出。使用低值耗材应自行登记,高值耗材则需提前向管理员申请领用。

None of the workshop's tools or equipment may be borrowed or taken out. Users should self-record the usage of low-value consumables, while high-value consumables must be applied for from the administrator in advance.

  1. 用户使用完成后需将设备关机、工具归位,确保工作坊环境安全、整洁、有序后再离开。

After use, users must turn off the equipment and put the tools back in their proper place, ensuring that the workshop is safe, clean, and organized before leaving.

  1. 用户使用过程中管理员会随机抽查现场,若发现用户违反守则,将视违规程度进行警告或加入黑名单。

Administrators will conduct random inspections during user operation. If a user is found violating the rules, he /she will be issued a warning or added to the blacklist depending on the severity of the infraction.



Contingency plan:


