生物科学中央实验室简介BioCRF(GZ) Introduction
2023.09.19 2047

       生物科学中央实验室Biosciences Central Research Facility(GZ) 是学校专门设立的中央实验平台,为研究界提供最先进的设备、高度专业化的服务和最新的生物技术教育资源等。位于学校E4 1楼,使用面积为:2148平方米。
平台下设8个实验中心,包含组织学中心(Histology),细胞培养(Cell Culture),流式细胞术(Flow Cytometry),基因组学(Genomics),蛋白质/代谢组学(Proteomics/Metabolomics),显微镜中心(Microscopy),动物影像(Animal Imaging) 及通用仪器设备(General Equipment)。


The Biosciences Central Research Facility (GZ) is a central experimental platform specifically established by the University, providing the research community with the most advanced equipment, highly specialized services, and the latest biotechnology education resources. Located in 1st Floor, E4 building of HKUST Guangzhou campus, BioCRF(GZ) covers an area of 2148 square meters. 

There are 8 experimental cores under the platform, including Histology, Cell Culture, Flow Cytometry, Genomics, Proteomics/Metabolomics, Microscopy, Animal Imaging, and General Equipment. 

